Myofascial Release Therapy in Ocala

Taking the time for myofascial release therapy in Ocala can be a useful tool that can help you continue performing at your very best. Myofascial techniques are a form of massage that releases muscle tension using manual therapy techniques. With our relaxing and effective massage therapy, you can experience improved blood flow, pain relief, and improved mobility in your limbs and throughout your body.
What Is Myofascial Treatment in Ocala FL
When your body's muscles and membranes that lift and support your musculoskeletal system experience tension or injury, they can create ongoing pain and discomfort, leading to other physical disorders. Our gentle and effective myofascial therapy pinpoints the musculoskeletal pain centers in your body and releases this tension, ensuring you can breathe and move more freely while enjoying your favorite activities.
Release Your Range of Motion
With our targeted manual therapy techniques, you'll experience effective muscle tissue release and less restriction in your limbs and tissue. Our signature myofascial therapy can also better center balance your posture, improve your range of motion, and help resolve tension headaches, insomnia, and muscle soreness throughout your body. We're committed to ensuring you can enjoy your active lifestyle without pain, and get the best possible care. Call us now to learn how we can best meet your needs.
Scar Release
If you have scar tissue and have discomfort, dark coloring, congestion or facial adhesions, we can help. Our scar release treatment offers a range of benefits such as:
- Lessening the appearance of scars
- Reducing pain and congestion
- Relieving stress on the body caused by facial tension
- Decreasing muscle spasms
- Reducing the possibility of muscle tears and strains
- Improving range of joint movement
- Preventing adhesions from forming after injuries or surgery
- Improving circulation of oxygen and nutrients
- Stimulating lymph circulation
- Promoting balance in the body
- Helping to improve athletic performance and posture
For the best myofascial release therapy in Ocala, contact the team at Healthy Living Natural Health & Pain Management. Dr. Orta has years of experience, and he'll ensure you feel completely at ease during your treatment. Connect with us now to schedule an initial complimentary consultation.
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
By Appointment Only
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
By Appointment Only
Saturday & Sunday
Healthy Living Natural Health & Pain Management
1323 East Silver Springs Boulevard
Ocala, FL 34470